Jose de la Maza
Jose is a Civil Engineer (University of Granada, Spain), and Master in Business Administration (IESE Business School, Barcelona, Spain), having studied also at the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences of the University of California at Los Angeles. Jose has worked for the strategic consultancy McKinsey&Company, where he was a management consultant and in several of the largest international construction and real estate groups in Spain (Ferrovial, FCC, Metrovacesa). He has over fifteen years of experience in infrastructure, PPP and management consulting projects, at an international scale, analyzing complex situations and problems and proposing implementable solutions for his clients. Jose has worked in consulting assignments for public and private clients in fifteen different countries of Europe, Africa and America. He is bilingual in Spanish and English.
E-mail: / Tel.: +34 639 90 63 48
Alvaro de la Maza
Alvaro is a Civil Engineer (University of Granada, Spain), M.S. on Infrastructure Management and PPPs (Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain) and Master in Business Administration (IESE Business School, Barcelona, Spain). Alvaro also spent a year at the University of California, Davis.
Alvaro has worked on different PPP-related consulting assignments in three continents during the last years. Prior to that, he worked in the Business Development Department of the #1 world infrastructure developer Iridium Concesiones de Infraestructuras (ACS Group). He worked as a Project Manager coordinating the submission of bids in countries such as Chile, Ireland, Canada, Spain and Portugal. Later, Alvaro worked for Gas Natural Fenosa, in the Asset Management department.
Alvaro is the founder of and has an extensive knowledge of the infrastructure investment industry on a global scale. He is bilingual in Spanish and English, and has working knowledge of French.
E-mail: / Tel.: +34 661 24 97 63
Miguel Martin
Miguel holds a Civil Engineering degree from the University of Granada (Spain), having spent a year at the Lisbon Technical Institute. Miguel is currently completing his education with a Bachelor of Business Administration. Miguel has on site experience as he worked as a Health and Safety Coordinator of a construction project of a thermal solar power plant with a budget of €600 million. Later, Miguel became chief editor of the online magazine Miguel tracks all infrastructure/PPP projects currently being developed worldwide. He is in charge of InfraPPP ‘s database of more than 1,500 PPP projects and also project manager for the Energy platform, where we track the private energy investments sector. Miguel lived in four different countries (Portugal, UK, Canada and Spain) and is trilingual in Spanish, English and Portuguese.
Bernardo Gil
Bernardo holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from CEU University in Madrid (Spain) and Master in Finance (ESADE Business School in Madrid). He has a broad experience on Public Private Partnerships as he worked for more than eight years in Grupo Vera, a diversified industrial group with different business lines such as car parks, wellness centers, retirement homes, hospitals, marinas, etc. Bernardo has experience in the international financial markets, as he worked for several years in financial institutions in London. As a consultant, he worked on projects for telecom companies and advising to public clients in various sectors. He has also a relevant international experience, as he has worked in countries such as UK, Portugal, Morocco, Algeria and Colombia, among others. Bernardo is fluent in English and Portuguese, has working knowledge of French, and Spanish is his mother tongue.
Marina Ruiz
Marina holds a Master Degree in International Trade Management by ESIC Business and Marketing School and a Degree in Tourism from the University of Malaga (Spain), having spent a year at Breda University of Applied Sciences in The Netherlands. Marina worked in the hospitality and airlines sectors before joining InfraPPP. Marina is involved in the operations of the online business, helps with the preparation of consulting offers and participates in tourism and PPP consulting assignments, as business analyst. She has extensive international working experience, especially in Middle East. Marina is bilingual in English and Spanish, and has working knowledge of French.